Compliance and Standards Services
Current world conditions mean that regulatory compliance and risk management are of ever increasing importance for companies of all sizes and types.   Governments and customers are demanding demonstrable adherence to a potentially bewildering array of different but interlinked regulations and Standards.  Complaints and breaches of regulations can lead to penalties, fines and reputational damage whilst companies demonstrating compliance to appropriate standards can often achieve increased market share.

Many companies find that they are increasingly being asked by customers to provide evidence of compliance to external standards which require successfully passing external or customer audits.

Increasingly global supply chains also mean that companies are exposed to multiple sets of regulations based in every country in which they operate.

We have a wealth of knowledge and experience which we use to offer the following services to assist you to identify and meet your compliance needs. 

Comprehensive Service
We will undertake the definition, planning, implementation, internal audit and end-to-end management of a regulatory compliance or Standard achievement programme for your entire business or a division of your business.

The same service can be provided for a continuous improvement project or initiative.

This service is tailored to fit your business size, complexity and strategy.

Project Management
As an alternative to our Comprehensive Service we can provide advice, leadership and management of your own project team ensuring an efficient and effective programme to meet your strategic compliance goals.

Audit Readiness Reviews   
Our Audit Readiness Reviews give our client’s confidence that they have covered all the required elements of the Standard or regulation.  They also cover the preparation for the audit ensuring that everyone knows what is required of them on the day, where all the evidence and documentation can be found and that everything is ready to ensure the external audit is undertaken with minimum fuss and difficulty.

Whilst your processes, systems and internal controls are well understood internally it is helpful to have an external viewpoint which may view things from a different angle and will see everything with fresh eyes.  This ensures that you will avoid unexpected queries and requests which may arise when someone who is not as familiar with the intricacies of your business as your own employees examines your controls and evidence.

We help our clients find any errors or gaps in their preparation, processes or documentation so that they can make corrections and mitigate the risk before the actual external audit takes place. 

Such reviews are an important element in achieving a successful audit result.

Audit Management
We can also manage the external audit process for you, liaising with your auditors and acting as host and guide.  Ensuring documentation, evidence, facilities, and auditees are all available at the right time in the right place in a planned, calm and efficient manner.

We can also offer training in aspects of compliance and Standards – see our public training schedule or contact us to discuss on-site training.

Process Services
In the current economic climate cost and revenue protection have become more important than ever before. Clarity and efficiency go hand in hand. Clear and streamlined processes save time and effort with the added benefit of providing a useful training guide for new members of staff, whilst encouraging the identification of new and better ways of working whilst facilitating the acceptance of change. Efficient and effective processes lead naturally to greater customer satisfaction and repeat business.  Effective internal controls and risk management are important elements that help avoid costly failures, fines and damaged brand image.

Whether you just need a process map or a full Standard compliance programme we can help.

Process Mapping  
A quick, easy, cost effective service. You just need to provide details via any type of input – documents, notes, diagrams, white board images, screen shots, verbal description – recorded or via phone or Skype.  We provide a professional process document. 

Need more help? We can provide:

  • Remote facilitated workshops (via Skype/WebEx)  or one to one discussions to capture or define processes
  • Onsite workshop facilitation
  • Training – both virtual classroom, on site and public courses available

Process Review
Need one or more processes reviewed?

Send through any existing documentation and we will conduct an outline review providing feedback and indicating areas of potential improvement.

For a more in depth review we can also provide on-site audit/review including controls, evidence availability, information flow, effectiveness/efficiency and suggestions/recommendations for improvement.

We can also train your employees to perform reviews – see our public training schedule or contact us to discuss on-site training.

Compliance & Standards Services

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