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How to Achieve Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) Status
AEO status will become critical to the success of companies of all sizes who import/export post BREXIT. This course will give delegates key tips on avoiding expensive and demotivating delays in the application process.
This vital course is given from an integrated, pragmatic and practical viewpoint. The emphasis is on avoiding difficulties, delays and costly mistakes. It will highlight the benefits to be gained and the pitfalls to be avoided.
AEO certification is available and gives benefits for any business engaged in the international supply chain from a sole trader to a multinational. These benefits will be the key to the ‘frictionless’ border post BREXIT and key to competitive advantage and in some cases survival!
Detailed guidance will be given on the practical impact on businesses of all sizes and types of the requirements for obtaining AEO certification.
This training course is essential for anyone wishing to obtain an understanding of the AEO requirements and scope in order to achieve AEO Status for their organisation.
Uniquely the course will combine specialist knowledge to bring the benefits of a fully integrated approach to gaining AEO status. Business process management and compliance to achieve externally recognised Standards combined with customs management and international logistics.
Course content will include:
Overview of AEO:
- Certification types
- How to choose which is best for your organisation
- Setting the scope
How to gain buy-in to AEO within your organisation
Running the project to avoid delays, demotivation and failure
What you need to do for success:
- Analysing your business:
- Controls, evidence, record-keeping
- Security (physical & information), risk assessment
- Using existing certifications etc.
- Reviewing current state v. required state
- Designing an action plan
- Handling errors and infringements
Understanding the role of the Internal and external Audit process:
- Benefits of an audit programme
- Types of audit and review
- HMRC audits (customs and tax)
- Managing the audit
How to make a successful Application & manage the Approval Process
What to do to maintain Authorisation
Attendees will leave the course with a thorough understanding of how to successfully achieve and maintain AEO status within their organisation.
Course Dates
Contact us for dates & Cost